Self Adjacent

Curated by Sarah Irvin & Tracy Stonestreet


Visual Arts Center of Richmond, Richmond, Virginia

Massey Klein Gallery, New York, New York

Kennedy Museum, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio

Ridderhof Martin Gallery, University of Mary Washington, Fredericksburg, Virginia

Self Adjacent is a traveling group exhibition curated by Sarah Irvin and Tracy Stonestreet. This show examines the transforming experience of parenthood by artists as they navigate their many identities alongside and within the field of caregiving. This experience is impacted by a multitude of different factors which vary from person to person, and inevitably change over a lifetime. 

Artists in the exhibition take an expansive approach to both concept and materials that each uniquely engage in the conversation around parenthood and identity. Through photography, performance, painting, printmaking, video, textile, and sculpture, Self Adjacent features diverse viewpoints from artists across the United States.


Alberto Aguilar, Meg Arsenovic, Robin Assner-Alvey, Christa Donner, Travis Donovan, Kate Gilmore, LaToya Hobbs, Sarah Irvin, Kevin and Jennifer White-Johnson, Carmichael Jones, Courtney Kessel and Chloe Clevenger, Ahree Lee, Colleen Merrill, Qiana Mestrich, Sarah Sudhoff, Emilia White, William Glaser Wilson, and Megan Wynne